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Health Care Management – MBA - Hosted By

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About IUBH University of Applied Sciences

The IUBH is geared to the demands of the global market

Studying at the IUBH makes careers in a global environment possible. We live out this credo in that English is the teaching language and the language used on our campus. We also impart internationality with many other distinguishing features:

  • Our experts and faculty from around the world teach both technical know-how and soft skills
  • We maintain multiple collaborations with partner universities in Europe, America, Australia and Asia
  • At the IUBH languages in international demand are taught at advanced levels by native speakers and additional intercultural communication competence is developed
  • There are currently students from over 110 nationalities/countries on our campuses

At the IUBH practical orientation is experienced firsthand. The curriculum has multiple facets which reflect this, for example, the inclusion of internship semesters, discussions and lectures with experts from industry and excursions to companies. The integration of theory and practice is a daily reality for every student. In the context of its lectures the IUBH offers project work and case studies.
Many of the benefits of studying at the IUBH are possible due to the close cooperation that the IUBH and its faculty maintain with industry. Our faculty has contact to all DAX 30 companies, is recognized in the international market, and well connected in a network with over 3.000 business partners.

The IUBH is accredited by the Foundation of International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) and received for five of its study programs five golden FIBAA premium seals so far. Therefore IUBH is one of the leading universities in Germany to be awarded five or more premium seals.
In 2012 the IUBH also received the seal of quality from the Hanseatic Certification Agency which certified IUBH study programs as a way to obtain vocational education and training.
In 2012 the IUBH was also honored as best cooperation partner of the Association of Internet Travel Sales (Verband Internet Reisevertrieb e.V./VIR).


About Program

The healthcare sector in Germany is an innovative employer and major exporter. With a market share of about ten percent, it is a rapidly growing area – not just for classic medical professions.

Do you already have work experience in this area, but now want to expand your management skills so you can reach the next level in your career? Then our MBA with a major in Health Care Management is the right choice for you.
You will be in a position to successfully fill leadership positions in healthcare institutions, such as hospitals and care facilities, as well as consulting firms and medical-technology and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.

The MBA gives you expert and general management know-how and will help you develop your individual methodical skills:

  • You will deepen your knowledge in the areas of business management and leadership through academic and practice-oriented modules.
  • You will actively work on your soft skills such as communication skills and intercultural awareness.
  • You deal intensively with the complex processes of healthcare management.
  • You identify the most important requirements in strategic management and learn how to implement them using the most important management tools.
  • You deepen your knowledge of quality-management instruments such as audits, risk management, controlling and monitoring.
  • You learn about the foundations of HR management – especially against the background of increasing staff shortages, e.g. in the healthcare sector.


  • Departamenti
  • IUBH University of Applied Sciences


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Price Range

Price : 16.80€

Claim listing: Health Care Management – MBA

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