
High School in Canada - Hosted By

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School system

The school system in 10 provinces of Canada and 3 territories is dominated by the bilingual and multicultural character of society. The administration of the school system in Canada is in the hands of the provinces. Gymnasium in Canada is an “all day school” school and requires 12 years to complete, same as Albania. Foreign students are usually classified in grade 11.

The school year in Canada starts in early September and ends in June.

Foreign students have the opportunity to start school in the following periods:

  • a school year in September
  • half a school year in September and February
  • for three months from September and February


For a variety of compulsory and optional courses you have the option to choose your schedule in an individual way. Four subjects (subjects) can be selected for one semester in most schools. Subjects can be changed in semester 2 in order to get a total of eight school year subjects. In most of our partner schools we also offer French language classes.

After class, you stay in “extracurricular activities” at school. Sports in Canada is very important, there are many sports teams in all schools. Ski, snowboarding, ice hockey, LaCrosse, swimming, tennis, golf, basketball, football, outdoor education and much more.

You can also try subjects (subjects) such as Drama, Debate and Student Council. You can test your musical talent in the artistic groups of the school. In addition, many social activities like dancing, traveling, musical concerts and performances are presented at schools.

Canada vacations are two weeks for Christmas and a Spring Break in addition to the long summer vacations.

Academic Counselor

The counselor is available to any student who discusses all matters relating to the school and helps to create a study program based on specific interests. It cares for all aspects of foreign students and helps with further school curricula in Canada.

Education and Homestay Fee

Since all schools (including public) foreign students pay school fees and accommodation in host families “Homestay Tariff”, which explains a higher program price compared to the US Classic Program in which the school is without free and welcoming families do not receive financial assistance.

Degree in Canada

Students from Albania graduated from high school in Canada have the option of continuing the University in Canada or in other countries. Gymnasium diplomas are internationally recognized but in any case contact the Tandek Exchange your mind, to know more about your plan after the gymnasium.


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